Natural Remedies For Chrons Disease

By Tyran Smith

There are about 2 million cases of Crohn's disease diagnosed in North America and 95,000 in the United Kingdom. Some scientists believe it is related to an auto-immune response while others think it is a low stomach acid response but the causes and cures are unknown. In addition to the alimentary tract, this condition can affect the joints and eyes.

A flare up of symptoms can occur after months of an individual having been symptom free. You can avoid your flare up triggers but you must understand what they are as these triggers can vary between individuals. Sufferers of Crohn's disease may choose to take natural remedies rather than prescribed medications because they are cheaper. Helping the natural healing processes of the body and reducing the chances of relapses are things natural remedies can do.

Proper diets are critical for successful natural treatments. Yeast, wheat and milk should be avoided as this can bring relief to many sufferers of this disease. Research shows that proper intakes of Omega-6 fatty acids (sesame seed, corn oil) and Omega-3 fatty acids (Flaxseed oil, oily fish such as trout and salmon) lessens the risk of developing Crohn's disease and improve chances of attaining remission.

A well balanced oil which contains Omega-3, 6, and 9, is Hemp oil - its anti-inflammatory properties impact positively on inflammatory processes if taken daily (initially one teaspoon, steadily increasing to one tablespoon). Candida is another Crohn's disease related problem - a fungal overgrowth caused by destruction of the good bacteria in the digestive tract through use of steroids and antibiotics. Usually occurring as harmless yeast in the bowel, an overgrowth of Candida can spread in the blood and cause low energy levels in those with compromised immune systems.

Two types of natural remedies, available from health food stores (for both Candida overgrowth and Crohn's disease), are Wormwood and Zell Oxygen. It is recommended that remission cases have a diet of natural high fiber whole foods and that relapsed cases showing symptoms have a low residue, low fat diet as an additional natural remedy.

The intestines are helped in their recovery from inflammatory responses by important proper nutrients which promote self healing in the body. The absorption of important nutrients in the diet will also be adversely affected. It is necessary that you do not deviate from a nutritious and well-balanced diet. Sufferers of Crohn's disease, as well as other inflammatory bowel diseases, should steer clear of processed and high fat foods, caffeine and milk if they want to stay healthy. - 29957

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