Do Your Weight Lifting Routines Systematically

By Jace P. Andersen

Weight lifting routines should be done very systematically and with a specific purpose in mind. Your schedule and the way you keep to it will be key to your success when lifting weights.

Muscle growth happens as you lift a weight, resulting in the micro fibrils in your muscles tearing apart and then slowly grow back. These fibers grow back thicker and stronger after each damaging weight lifting routine, but need a lot of time and nutrients to enable successful re-growth. Two to three days of recovery will be sufficient time to allow this process to complete.

After a resting period of up to 72 hours, you can repeat the tearing process again. This ongoing process will stimulate muscles into growing quite a lot larger. Keep in mind that the healing period is vital otherwise you simply keep on ripping muscles apart and they do not heal, causing yourself great pain and discomfort. This is why a sensible routine makes a lot of sense as it avoids over-exercising by accident.

To give each part of your body time to heal, you should exercise each muscle group only every three to four days. Choose a group of muscles that sit close to each other like stomach muscles, legs and shoulders as your main three areas and workout each area every three days only. This way you do a full body workout once week with enough recovery time in between.

Before you know it, you body will stop complaining and start enjoying your set routine. Always keep a single day for total rest aside or you may get so tired that you might consider stopping training altogether. Resting days can be filled with light exercise, but avoid any weight training.

The human body adapts very quickly and you may see after a few short weeks that your routines are becoming too easy and even boring for you. This is a great time to switch everything round by changing your routine completely. Change the days you do certain muscle groups as well as how you grip the weight. Slight changes will see different muscles develop under the load. Body builders try their best to avoid their bodies from going into plateaus.

As your muscles develop, they will get a lot stronger, thus you will have to increase the total weight you lift with every session. Slowly but surely your body will adapt again to the heavier lifting, so stay ahead and keep increasing the weights before they become to easy to lift. Lifting weights that are too easy to pick up will have no benefit at all as you simply irritate the muscles by avoiding maximum stress on them.

Eating properly and at the right time during weight lifting sessions is as important as doing the actual exercise. Muscle needs a lot of protein during these times as proteins are the main building blocks for muscle growth. To keep your energy levels up you must also eat enough carbohydrates as you will be too weak to lift any weight when avoiding carbs in your diet. - 29957

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