Healthy Foods Becoming More Common

By Patrick Glancy, BCH

The public has spoken, they want healthy choices and America has responded! Being healthy and offering healthy choices has become a new trend not only in local cities but all over America and they aren't going anywhere. Almost every restaurant is offering healthy options and disclosing their top secret nutritional information. Public schools are replacing soda machines and recreating the cafeteria food. Positive attitudes toward exercise and multi-fold benefits are being implemented at gyms. Organic foods and local markets are giving big chains a run for their money in many towns across America as well. It's time to change our country, for the better!

American's like to eat out but eating out does not have to mean sacrificing your health or diet. Wendy's and Subway were some of the first fast food restaurants to offer healthy substitutions for children and adults. At Wendy's a salad can replace fries for no extra charge. For a kid's meal, parents can order their children a fruit cup and milk instead of fries and a soda. Subway also has raisins and apples in place of chips. Another chain is seeing their competitors success and making a change! Fatburger recently changed from vegetable oil to soy bean oil to fry their foods therefore reducing the amount of trans fat being served. Fatburger will also start using the leanest beef possible in all of their burgers and they are now offering a Boca patty (soy based meatless patty) substitute for all their burgers according to Even sit down restaurants such as Applebee's are jumping on the band wagon by offering Weight Watcher friendly menu items.

In past years many restaurants did not disclose their nutritional information, but after a large public out cry, fast food and sit down restaurants relented. Now the nutritional information can be found anywhere from their internet websites, pamphlets in the place, or on the actual container such as McDonald's fries carton.

The public is not stopping there, they also pushed for healthy reform in America's schools. During the 2006-2007 school year, every district in America had a goal to obtain. This goal was to implement a better nutrition and increase activity levels according to, and nearly every school accomplished this. Soda machines, snack machine and pizza are gone in every American school. They have been replaced by water, granola and a salad bar. Kids can no longer sell junk food for clubs during school hours and all the cafeterias are required to serve balanced meals.

People are also making an effort to get out and exercise at least three days per week. According to, some of the most popular exercises are yoga, core work and martial art based exercises such as Tai Chi which all help to relieve stress and get you into shape. In 2008 reports America will likely see an increased amount of training, education and certification for all exercise providers and trainers. This is due largely to the rising health kick.

Eating right is only one way to be healthy, the public wants more! They want more exercise! People are making an effort to get out and exercise at least three days per week. According to, some of the most popular exercises are yoga, core work and martial art based exercises such as Tai Chi. All of these exercises have multi-fold benefits such as stress relief, flexibility training and toning all built in. A new trend in exercises is also emerging, in 2008 reports America will likely see an increased amount of training, education and certification for all exercise providers and trainers. This is due largely to the rising health kick.

Flexitarianism is a new "diet" which is quickly on the rise with many Americans according to Dietitians are defining these dieters as those who eat mainly fruits and vegetables but also eat protein but only three days per week such as chicken, lean beef and fish. The other four days a week they eat meatless meals. It is a diet which is low in saturated fat and high in fiber. Those who follow this diet have lower risk of stroke, diabetes, and heart attack.

Over the years obesity and obesity related health complications have spurred America into action. While there are consumers out there who love their triple Whoppers with mystery meat and King sized fries, they are quickly becoming the minority. Healthy living is taking over and it is here to stay! - 29957

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