Reasons a Healthy Pet Can Be in Pain Without Expressing It

By Jen Newton

Your pet seems happy and healthy. There are no obvious signs of injury or illness. There seems to be no reason to believe that your healthy pet is in jeopardy in any way. Wrong! Think again and carefully observe your pet.

To protect themselves from predators, animals naturally hide their pain. It's a trait that has been inborn since the beginning of time. Your seemingly healthy pet may be suffering even though he isn't showing obvious signs. Observing your pet's behavior is vital to managing your pet's health.

Key an eye on your pet. Normal healthy pet behavior is easy to spot, but there are different signs that can indicate a problem that you pet isn't openly revealing. Your pet by nature is built to resist and conceal the effects of pain and discomfort, and not reveal them to you or anyone else.

Carefully observe your pet's physical characteristics. Are they losing weight for no obvious reason? Are they chewing their food more slowly, or eating less than usual? This could indicate problems with their teeth or gums. Patches of hair missing, or an obvious dulling of their coat, could be signs of internal problems. You should know how a happy, healthy pet looks and acts. Watch carefully for deviations from this norm.

Take your pet to the dentist. Not your family dentist, of course, but to a veterinarian who is experienced in examining and performing minor procedures to ensure long-term dental health. This type of preventive care can eliminate serious problems later, and is highly recommended. Many vets now have dental care kits including pet toothbrushes that you can use at home.

Good health is directly influenced by your weight and eating habits. Animals as well as humans carrying excess weight have an increased chance of physical illnesses and damage. Weight gain due to lack of exercise also can be a signal of arthritis pain. Joint disease is the most common cause of pain. Pets that limp may be reluctant to go up or down stairs, exercise, or play.

Shedding extra weight will help your pet reduce pain from joint disease by decreasing the pressure on the inflamed joints. There are several good lines of low-calorie pet foods that are designed to help overweight and sedentary pets lose extra pounds.

Your pet might not whimper, moan, or otherwise signal that they are in pain. Watch them and carefully observe their normal behavior. Then, when you see changes in their routine that are unexplained, you can assist your vet in figuring out what the problem might be. Anytime you see obvious changes in the way your pet behaves or goes about its daily routine, get in touch with a good animal doctor and have them examined as soon as you can. Having a healthy pet is one of the great joys of life - do everything you can to help them stay in good shape. - 29957

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