Look around you on any given day and see the number people in this universe that are overweight, and you realize just what a problem obesity has become in this society. Life is moving at a very rapid pace these days with all the labor-cutting technology we have, and eating right has become less of a priority with a lot of people because they allow their schedules to take the reins and do not take the time to think about what junk they are stuffing in their gullets while on the run. Sometimes, though, it becomes a problem, and it is time to think about losing weight.
One of the fast ways to lose weight is to go on a restricted diet of some sort. One of the more common ones is the low carbohydrate diet where one is allowed to eat all kinds of protein, but the carbohydrate intake is restricted----in this way, you are tricking the body, so to speak, to burn fat and you will lose weight quickly. Lots of lean meat and other proteins, but no pasta, flour, wheat, corn, any kind of bread, or potatoes.
To trick your body's metabolism into burning calories at a faster rate than normal, this is one of the fast ways to lose weight that really works in that way. The program is called the calorie alternating diet, and it consists of a different pattern of eating than you are used to; such as you would eat as you normally would for 2 days, then cut down drastically your calorie intake for 2 days, then resume your normal eating pattern for 2 days. Sounds simple enough, and it does help you to lose weight in a rapid manner because of tricking the metabolism.
Then, no list of fast ways to lose weight would be complete without including that old standby, the cabbage soup diet. A lot of people that have used this diet complain that it is the other side of monotony and a real drag, but we are not here to have a food party or entertain ourselves with luscious foodstuffs; this is the hardcore, down and dirty weight loss that will get you started, so you can go on to a more palatable weight loss plan. The diet consists of mainly cabbage soup; you can find the recipe for it almost anywhere on the Internet if you browse for it; and you can have the soup as often as you want, as much as you want. On some days you can eat all the steak or lean meat you can handle along with the soup, and that's all; then the next day---just soup, soup, soup and fruit---that's it for that day. Oh,boy.
Now, we come to the metabolism boosting diet in our relentless search for fast ways to lose weight; and this diet is a little easier to take, but hard if you have a high pressure job situation and you can't stop to eat something several times a day. The idea here is to eat 6 or more small (no more than 200 calories each) meals a day instead of 3 big ones, and in doing so, you will speed up your metabolism over time because you make it run constantly, instead of ups and downs with 3 meals over the course of a day. With your caloric intake coming in at about 1200 calories per day, you will not only start to lose weight, but you will feel fuller for a longer period of time.
There is a quick weight loss plan that has been in effect for many years now, and was originally used by cardiologists and heart surgeons to ready their patients for heart surgery by slimming them down; and now the diet is one of the more commonly used fast ways to lose weight for a lot of people. It is called the 5 day diet, because that is the maximum length of time you should follow this at a time; it is not recommended as a long term eating plan, just something for a quick punch weight loss. Your intake in calories is no more than 1500 per day, and a typical plan for a meal would be bananas, black coffee, ? a grapefruit, and plain tuna. That's it, nothing else. But, hey, great weight loss.
Losing weight is not nearly as much fun as putting it on, because sometimes the methods needed to take it off are tortuous compared with the delicious taste bud stuffing extravaganzas that take place and help to pack on the pounds. But, when it comes to that point where the line is drawn in the sand, and you must do something, sometimes using one of the fast ways to lose weight is a simple solution to get you out of your lethargy and on the road to weight loss. - 29957
One of the fast ways to lose weight is to go on a restricted diet of some sort. One of the more common ones is the low carbohydrate diet where one is allowed to eat all kinds of protein, but the carbohydrate intake is restricted----in this way, you are tricking the body, so to speak, to burn fat and you will lose weight quickly. Lots of lean meat and other proteins, but no pasta, flour, wheat, corn, any kind of bread, or potatoes.
To trick your body's metabolism into burning calories at a faster rate than normal, this is one of the fast ways to lose weight that really works in that way. The program is called the calorie alternating diet, and it consists of a different pattern of eating than you are used to; such as you would eat as you normally would for 2 days, then cut down drastically your calorie intake for 2 days, then resume your normal eating pattern for 2 days. Sounds simple enough, and it does help you to lose weight in a rapid manner because of tricking the metabolism.
Then, no list of fast ways to lose weight would be complete without including that old standby, the cabbage soup diet. A lot of people that have used this diet complain that it is the other side of monotony and a real drag, but we are not here to have a food party or entertain ourselves with luscious foodstuffs; this is the hardcore, down and dirty weight loss that will get you started, so you can go on to a more palatable weight loss plan. The diet consists of mainly cabbage soup; you can find the recipe for it almost anywhere on the Internet if you browse for it; and you can have the soup as often as you want, as much as you want. On some days you can eat all the steak or lean meat you can handle along with the soup, and that's all; then the next day---just soup, soup, soup and fruit---that's it for that day. Oh,boy.
Now, we come to the metabolism boosting diet in our relentless search for fast ways to lose weight; and this diet is a little easier to take, but hard if you have a high pressure job situation and you can't stop to eat something several times a day. The idea here is to eat 6 or more small (no more than 200 calories each) meals a day instead of 3 big ones, and in doing so, you will speed up your metabolism over time because you make it run constantly, instead of ups and downs with 3 meals over the course of a day. With your caloric intake coming in at about 1200 calories per day, you will not only start to lose weight, but you will feel fuller for a longer period of time.
There is a quick weight loss plan that has been in effect for many years now, and was originally used by cardiologists and heart surgeons to ready their patients for heart surgery by slimming them down; and now the diet is one of the more commonly used fast ways to lose weight for a lot of people. It is called the 5 day diet, because that is the maximum length of time you should follow this at a time; it is not recommended as a long term eating plan, just something for a quick punch weight loss. Your intake in calories is no more than 1500 per day, and a typical plan for a meal would be bananas, black coffee, ? a grapefruit, and plain tuna. That's it, nothing else. But, hey, great weight loss.
Losing weight is not nearly as much fun as putting it on, because sometimes the methods needed to take it off are tortuous compared with the delicious taste bud stuffing extravaganzas that take place and help to pack on the pounds. But, when it comes to that point where the line is drawn in the sand, and you must do something, sometimes using one of the fast ways to lose weight is a simple solution to get you out of your lethargy and on the road to weight loss. - 29957
About the Author:
Kelly Lord discusses various topics including Lose Weight Now. For more information on Lose Weight Quickly visit our site.